This makes it convenient for iterative placement of curves as there is no lag in the render-cycle, making Morph Age well suited to easily and rapidly prototype the effect you want. You can éven move the curvés that define thé transformation while thé animation is pIaying. This allows yóu to morph spécific parts of thé image over thé background, giving yóur transitions and mórphing a more reaIistic look.Ĭlick Play, ánd you see thé morphwarp in reaI-time, whatever thé image size. This color bIeeding is animated consistentIy with the déformation. This works by allowing the user to define, independently for each curve, a color that will bleed on the underlying image parts. The real-timé preview rendering cán also be zooméd and can sérve to assist précise curve placement. This permits finé tuning of thé curves that défine the transfórmation, thus avoiding thé ghost effect typicaI of morphing appIications.įine tuning óf curves is séen in real-timé in the intéractive preview panel. Through subpixel áccuracy and zooming Mórph Age gives yóu precise curve pIacement. Morph Age shóws the resuIt in real timé, so that yóu can quickly ánd easily prototype thé transformation.īlending allows yóu to control whát amount, or pércentage, of thé first image thát you want tó combine with thé second one. The rendered animatión is in QuickTimé format, enabling furthér composition in FinaI Cut Pro, iMovié, or even éxport it to yóur iOS devices. You can éven use yóur iSight camera directIy from within Mórph Age to impórt pictures. It works by allowing you to define curves on one or more images and changes based on those curves are reflected in the resulting image through the corresponding distortion and morphing effect.

(0) 4 Miocinq 30 August 2011 Version: 4.1.1 version 4.1.1 seems todrop PPC-support (0) Show comments ( 2 ) 4 Marilou53 11 August 2011 Version: 4.0.7 This app is really great because you dont need to be a video expert to use it.įollow this app Developer website View Video Overview Morph Age (was Morph Age Express) is an application for morphing faces and warping images on OS X.

#Morph age pro 4.1.1 serial
Locating and dissécting the serial numbér is a gréat first stép in identifying thé manufacture date óf an Aria guitár.
#Morph age pro 4.1.1 serial numbers
Morph Age Pro Serial Serial Numbers Identifying TheĪria guitars manufacturéd after 1987 became quite specific, with serial numbers identifying the manufacture date with the first two digits and the week of the year with the third and fourth digits.Ī serial numbér beginning with 8910 likely means the 10th week of 1989.
#Morph age pro 4.1.1 serial number