You wouldn't send a droid vs a fighter would you? A patched unit vs an Unpatched unit is about as effective as doing double damage on the same hp level. And remember, always retreat to heal if need be. Disabled units while theirs spawn in isn't ideal. If there is more than one hullpoint left and you are about to destroy one, you may want to wait until the next wave of their units spawn in too - if it's not the last hull piece it will knock back and disable your units. Then when that's on fire? Switch to the hull hullpoint - it delays everything. If they do, rush their dock hullpoint and focus it with two units to make sure it's delayed from spawning enemies. If your enemy doesn't have hull piercing turrets, take your time docking your ships. But now that you know that - you know to rush the enemy hull right? So what do you rush it with? Frigates your slowest moving unit? Or Droid - your fastest moving unit? Use this logic for every battle. You spawn into a battle, and the enemy has no turrets, and oddly no ships spawning? Check the reinforcements alert - you have about 20 seconds before 6 boomer droids spawn in to ruin your day.But more than that, be aware of your enemies in battle. So with experience you'll learn what you need, and more importantly what you need to do for the best reward. Even pop up events like Children will always be the same result. BE OBSERVANT, some missions will return the same types of rewards.You can still bleed them if you feel you can win the attrition safely - be sure their turret wont do tick damage to your hull though - it's basically an ingame timer if they have piercer or hull laser.

Future Sectors you'll see much higher numbers 24-48. This is how you win early game battles without having expensive repair bills.

That means after 9 ships - they are empty and will only have their turrets. Starting sectors this will be between 6-9. Enemy ships next to their Dock UI will have a number next to it near where the heat gauge is. You will always be able to deploy patched ships.
#Crying suns alert full
Launching ships, winning battles, and then immediatly docking your low health but surviving ships means they keep their max hp, get back to full health, doesn't delay you from relaunching more ships like having them destroyed would and by the time your enemy launches their next wave: you're back up to full. The Excelsior's aux system speeds up how quickly they regain health. This is an important mechanic to understand - Keeping your tanky frigates with a max hp of 100+ is important late game, especially on harder difficulty levels. To understand it you need to know that you can dock your launched ships back inside your battleship to heal over time by right clicking their portraits.

For most ships you'll be able to pay 40 for the first level, unlocking the ability to get a chance for an extra 1 fuel from each star.
#Crying suns alert upgrade